Katie Sanders
✨ Hello beautiful ones! ✨
My name is Katie Sanders. I am a sensory designer who helps those who have chronic illnesses, trauma or are neurodivergent (or all of the above) create spaces that love them back.
✷ I was a web designer/developer for 15+ years.
✷ I found my new calling in sensory design about seven years ago when my son was diagnosed with autism. I then used my design and user experience skills to create spaces where he could work, play and rest much more easily. Then I started doing it for my clients and kiddos.
✷ I mostly wear pjs all day and settle into blanket nests to work.
✷ My love of organizing started when I was in my teens and I would organize my family’s pantry and spaces when they needed help.
✷ I am a Star Trek (especially Discovery) and Magic the Gathering nerd.
Get in touch: listen@mysensesmyspace.com