Creating Your Sanctuary
How to create a space that supports those with chronic illnesses, ADHD, autism, neurodivergence and/or other sensitivities.
127 episodes
Name Change! This Podcast Is Now Called Creating Your Sanctuary
Quick checkin :)
Episode 126

What Does a Win Look Like for You?
You can define how wins are recognized in your life. How will you celebrate them?YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChb4i9UXChbZXOGMLgnJQpQMak...
Episode 125

What Are Your Limits?
What, When and How are your limits formed so you can move towards less burnout?
Episode 124

When Things Go Sideways
Do you go into overwhelm? Or does your brain go into overthinking mode? What happens and what can you do to move forward?
Episode 123

Seasonal Changes
When do you feel your seasons changing and do they feel in alignment with those around you, or do you need to put in extra energy to process through this season?
Episode 122

Creating Stations
You probably have many set up around you that you already use for your routines, but stations are ever evolving. Is it time to make some changes?
Episode 121

Coping With Change
How can you adapt to a change in your life, whether you want it to happen or not?
Episode 120

How to Prioritize
How to do you choose the items on your to-do list for the day?
Episode 117

Load, Balance & Capacity
What are the differences between load, balance and capacity when you are planning your time and energy?
Episode 116

Clearing Internal Productivity Blocks
What questions can you ask yourself to see what kind of internal blocks that may be holding you back from completing your goals.
Episode 115

Clearing External Productivity Blocks
When you feel stuck, here are some things you can look at changing externally to help provide momentum in your to-do list.
Episode 114

Are You Pushing Productivity?
Does it feel like whenever you have free time to work on your own goals you just want to take a nap?
Episode 113

Where Is Your Messy Zone?
Where is the area you can be your imperfect self to learn and create?
Episode 112

Revisiting Ideas
As we grow, we can come back to ideas we may not have fully understood the first time around.
Episode 111

Are you Planning for Perfection?
Here are some ways you can loosen your view on everything going right in your plan.
Episode 110

Feeling Out of Control
When you look at things like your emotions, scale and dreaming, you can feel better about when big things feel out of control.
Episode 109

How can you look back on your day, week, month and year to take time to process how you have grown?
Episode 108

Exits and Reentries
How you wrap things up is just as important as jumping back in.
Episode 107

Body Check-ins
When do you bring your thoughts back to your body so you know how to care for it?
Episode 106

You Deserve More
When it comes to dealing with medial professionals, everyone deserves the best care possible. Have you left any medical appointments feeling you weren't treated with respect?
Episode 105